Hamilton Group is a New York factoring company that has leveraged their experience in the banking industry and alternative financing market to offer emerging businesses a better way to finance their growth. They wanted to provide capital in a way that made sense while providing flexibility to expand with growing business needs.
In 1994, Hamilton rolled-out their unique invoice factoring program that featured numerous unique client benefits such as no personal guarantees, non-recourse agreements, no term contracts and no minimums. Since then, most factoring companies have adopted these same features into their factoring services.
Hamilton offers these invoice factoring benefits:
- No personal guarantees required
- No term commitments
- No minimum volume requirements
- No all-asset collateral filing on your business
- No reserve hold
- No additional fees
- Soft notification
Not all businesses have the same growth needs, nor do they all want the same features in their factor. But universally, they all want the “best deal.” Since its inception in 1994, Hamilton has successfully delivered upon that goal by leading its industry with unconventional, client-friendly solutions.