Brookridge Funding is a purchase order financing company located in Danbury, Connecticut just 70 miles north of New York City. The Brookridge team has been providing PO financing for businesses across the United States and Canada for over 21 years and brings deep experience in running and financing businesses. Brookridge focuses on improving your cash flow, filling your orders and growing your profits.
We give you the ability to buy inventory and grow sales without having to get debt financing or dilute your equity. Our funding is quickly available for unexpected customer orders or seasonal sales spikes. Your overseas manufacturers get the necessary assurance to start production of goods knowing they will be paid. We finance up to 100% of your purchase orders, limited only to the invoice factoring take-out amount.
Our typical accounts range in size from $50,000 to $10 million and cover a multitude of industries. We don’t charge upfront due diligence fees, just a $300 application fee. We’ll process your application within 24 hours. The funding relationship can usually be established within 10 working days. Once the contracts are in place, funding occurs within 24 hours of the completed funding request. Purchase orders must be firm, non-cancellable and from creditworthy customers. Delivery dates must be readily achievable. Suppliers must be established and dependable.